As a native Southerner, and generally judgmental person, I am particularly offended when those around me fail to extend the most basic of courtesies. Because this blog is theoretically devoted to my training regimen, I won't even discuss the woman at Shoprite who brazenly cut me in the checkout line when I let my guard down to get a Vitamin Water or Raul at Dunkin' Donuts who stares blankly at me each time I thank him profusely for my iced coffee, practically begging for some recognition of my kindness. No, I will not mention those instance, but I will post a few pet peeves regarding my gym brethren,
1. Kindly Shut Up. In Spin last night, I was appalled that a cocktail party was taking place behind me as a young couple giggled and flirted loudly as I was heaving uphill. Firstly, if you can talk during Spin class, you're not doing it right. Second, the bike is the only apparatus that you need to worry about mounting. Not only do such conversations distract others from what is designed to be an intensive and meditative workout, they also remind some of us that in the quest to train several hours a day, we may not have shaved our legs in a while.
2. Please Move It. I enjoy a good circuit training workout three days a week to keep up the muscles, but what I don't enjoy is having some meathead, jump on a machine I'm using (and intending to use again) only to linger there for ten minutes trying to catch his reflection in the tanning oil so generously applied to his quadriceps. Move it or lose it buddy . . . Us girls are here to work.
3. I Would Appreciate It If You Please Throw Your Cell Phone In The Garbage. No one is so important that they can't take an hour away from their cell phone. And if you are, shouldn't you be somewhere else besides a New York Sports Club in New Jersey? People who are serious about their workouts go to the gym to work. They dedicate that hour exclusively to their sport, sanity, or saddlebags. It's disrespectful to that work ethic when you chat on the phone while lounging on a bench. You wouldn't bring your pillow and PJs to the office, so see if you can leave the cell in the locker.
4. Thanks For Not Peeing In The Water. As a newbie to the pool, I have found a few drawbacks to this water sport (no pun intended). My Wednesday night swims are at Asphalt Green on the Upper East Side which boasts one of the nicest pools in the city. However, last Saturday I did a run/swim combo here in Livingston, running to my local gym, swimming a mile, and then running back. At this less than illustrious pool, I was surprised to have to share the space with a four-year old's birthday party. I had the single lap lane, and they had the rest. In addition to big bouncy balls and foam tubes drifting into my lane, imagine my surprise to see little brown "gifts" perhaps meant for the birthday boy but so generously left for me. On the bright side, it's good practice for the Hudson.
Thank you for letting me vent!
That's New York City for you. BTW, nice, expressive photo. Keep it up, and don't fear a broad focus for your messages; your style keeps us interested.